by Dave Diamond

Remember  the  hit  pd  game  Super Fowl Egg?  Of course you do!  It was
probably  one of the most addictive public domain games to hit the Amiga
in  a  long  time.  Well now a commercial company called Binary Emotions
have  created  a  conversion  good  enough  to  equal  if not better the
original  game.   Who  knows  the  plot  of this game but you can bet it
involves someone or something captured and it`s your job to rescue these
furballs  from  some evil dude (or dudette).  The game layout is that of
SFE  and  another  popular  addictive  game - Tetris (one of my all time
faves)  in  which the playing area is split into two screens,one for you
and  one  for  the  computer (or an additional player).  These different
colored  furballs  land  in  pairs  and it`s your job to match the right
color  up with it`s partner into a line of 4+ until your opponent has no
more room on it`s side of the playing area to continue.  However falling
rocks  block your way and you can also attack or slow down your opponent
with  various  power ups.  The games graphics are great,it features some
nice  rendered  screens and some wonderfull colors.  Even though the ECS
version  has less colors and different music in some places the gameplay
doesn`t  alter  one  bit.   Moving onto the music in the game and I just
have  to  congratulate  the  musician  who created these splendid tunes.
They  are  so  good  I  copied  them  onto  a  cassette!   Each piece is
appropriate  for  the action and it has to be said that the music on the
level `Elsreeka` is THE best music I have ever heard on the Amiga within
the  past  3  years.  It wouldn`t go amiss in a album by Gina G and if I
were  a  serious  music  producer  I  would snap up this module from the
company  and  market  it  as  soon as possible as this could be a future
number  one.   Yes  it  is  that  good!   Right  then the playability is
excellent,it`s  one of those games in which you get fed up with first of
all  but  find  yourself  returning  to  time  and  time  again.   Is it
challenging?   You  betcha!   It  sometimes  can be a little unfair when
dropping  absolutely  loads  of  rocks  causing  you  to  re-think  your
strategy.  My only gripe is that the game has no save or password option
and  this  can  mean  that  you  spend  up  to and hour playing the game
straight  to  the  end  with  no  break.   A  two  player option is also
available  and another little feature after each level (11 levels total)
is  a  slot machine simulator where you can gain some extra continues or
points.   However  this  feature  isn`t  the most rewarding slot machine
simulator and it`s best to use the autofire option on the joystick as to
try  by any other means in quite difficult.  I mentioned earlier on that
there are 11 levels in the game and one might think that this just isn`t
enough,well  considering  that  it  takes round 10 minutes per level and
with  the  inclusion  of  a  two  player  option it is quite challening.
Saying that though I prefered the human vs computer mode as the computer
was  more  intelligent  than  the other human player thus resulting in a
much  more  challenging game.  The game comes on 4 disks although i cant
see  how  and  is  hard disk installable.  One of the worst things about
Minskies  is  that  when you have finished playing for the night you can
still  see  the  game  playing IN YOUR EYES,anyone know what I`m talking
about?   It`s  like whatever you`re doing you just see these Minskies!!!
I  had  the  same problem with Dune II,when you play for so long it gets
lodged in your mind,that`s the problem with adictive games I guess!  The
BEST  thing  about  Minskies furballs in the marketing aspect.  Now most
recently  in  my  film  studies  course at my local college we have been
looking  into  marketing  and I belive that with the right push,Minskies
could have gross marketing potential from lunch boxes to a tv series.  I
only hope that this game isn`t just a one off and a few other games in a
different  mold  (a Worms version,adventure game etc) would be just what
the Amiga need.  Talking of the Amiga I think that we have finally found
our  mascot.   Sega has their Sonic The Hedgehog,Nintendo have Mario and
now  ladies and gentlemen,we have the Amiga Minskie.  Has a nice ring to
it doesn`t it?  For god sake Binary Emotions - MARKET THIS GAME AND TAKE

Overall I give this game a 9/10 or around 94%

One game that is sure to be a classic.
